Case Studies

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Alternative Assets in SimCorp Dimension

The analysis of the financial instruments in scope and their detailed contract details is crucial in the implementation of the alternative investments’ module in SimCorp Dimension. It is key to agree form the beginning which information needs to be saved at static data level and to model the expected cashflows including all relevant payments and fees as well as to agree to standardised processes with all parties involved.


Data Migration Tools

Technically supported general ledger and investment book of records reconciliation during a parallel phase and a migration weekend.

The data migration from the legacy system to the new platform is one of the most typical challenge every asset manager faces when they upgrade their system architecture. In many cases to minimize risks, there is the need to run in parallel day-to-day business operations on both the legacy and new platform for a certain period. Such so called “parallel phases” can last from one weekend to several weeks depending on the requirements of each asset manager.

During the parallel phase the reconciliation between the old and new systems is time-consuming and resource intensive. Due to tight schedules, and especially on the “go live” migration weekend, it is important to be able to compare all the important key figures of a portfolio quickly and clearly.

Based on many years of experience, Anadeo Consulting has developed a series of tools that ensure a smooth reconciliation of all relevant key figures at position level. System-independent, resource-saving and reliable.


Digital Assets – A new Asset Class

According to a forecast by Statista, the market for digital assets in Europe will reach a volume of around 1 trillion euros in 2025 and will increase more than fivefold in the following five years.

The market development is currently slowed down due to the lack of standardization and the fragmentation of the market. Existing solutions often only cover certain types of assets or use cases and integration into existing investment processes, IT and business infrastructure, is often not yet the focus. In addition, not all areas relevant to digital assets are yet regulated. With the filling of regulatory gaps, which leads to greater legal certainty, the consolidation of providers and the standardization of technologies, economies of scale are expected to be increasingly achieved to significantly accelerate the dynamics in the coming years.

Surveys, e.g. by Laser Digital (Nomura Group) or Fidelity Digital Assets, also confirm the strong interest of professional investors in investing in digital assets and diversifying their investments.


EMIR Directive: Regulation of OTC Derivatives and Implementation in SCD

Central clearing for OTC derivatives mandatory since 2013 – Implementation in SCD

Since 2013, certain OTC derivatives must be settled via so-called central counterparties (CCP) and every transaction must be reported to a central transaction register. In December 2022, the European Commission proposed the review of the European Market Infrastructures Regulation (EMIR 3.0). The objective is to make the EU clearing landscape more attractive, resilient, and to broaden access to liquidity. Considering the 18-month implementation period, the new EMIR Refit reporting rules go live in the EU on 29 April 2024 and in the UK on 30 September 2024. EMIR Refit introduces a prices standard for data quality, reconciliation, and an increased number of reporting fields. The effects of regulation on participants in the OTC markets extend through the entire value chain of asset management – from order management to legal reporting – at both process and system levels is significant and should not be underestimated.


Fund Straight Through Processing (STP) in SimCorp Dimension

Implementation of the SimCorp Dimension module to improve the administration and processing of funds in SCD.

In Fund STP projects it is key to deeply understand in detail the daily workflow of a fund administrator and to inspect all tasks related to the daily workflow, keeping in mind to allocate designated processing slots for control tasks that cannot be automated in SCD resp. that are not wanted to be automated in SCD and require manual intervention.


Key Performance Indicators in Asset Management

Improve the control of your business processes through KPIs.

In recent years asset manager experienced a huge growth in data and complexity impacting their IT landscape and business processes. Typically, in addition to the core systems, asset managers employ numerous satellite systems in the front, middle and back office space. In addition, some services and IT systems are outsourced to external software vendors and service providers. With increasing complexity, the control of business processes is becoming a more and more important Herculean task. The targeted use of KPIs and the monitoring of them in a systematical way specifically designed for this, is the right answer to this challenge. The creation of a tailored cockpit allows you to keep an eye on all business processes at any time so that in an emergency you have enough time to react and fix the problem.


Outsourcing in Asset Management

Improve the management and execution of your outsourcing projects.

In outsourcing projects, due to the complexity and the large number of different stakeholders, it is essential to draw up a structured project plan and execute it consistently. Only with the creation of a structured joint governance and clear, collaborative agreed milestones ensure project success is achievable.


Project Management Fund Accounting

Implementation and integration of a new back-office platform for a leading investment company based on SimCorp Dimension.

As part of the modernisation of the IT landscape the client decided to replace in-house developed back-office system (fund administration and fund accounting) with SimCorp Dimension. Anadeo Consulting leveraged its many years of asset management experience to advise the customer’s project management on organisation, planning, project control and results tracking.
