
Our clients have many targets: Anadeo knows and achieves them.

Our clients have many targets: Anadeo knows and achieves them.

Anadeo Consulting focuses its consultancy on Asset Management. Our customers are Asset Management Companies, Custodian Banks and Insurance Companies.

Though all these enterprises in the area of Asset Management have similar challenges – since they are subject to EU Finance Regulations – significant differences exist. The general conditions of any project are impacted by numerous elements. Company size, departmental structure, specific processes, volume of transactions, regulatory requirements and reporting frequencies to name a few.

The status of IT development is equally important: While bigger Capital Asset Management Companies have consistently deployed the respective systems, applications like SCD Best Practice enable implementation for medium-sized companies as well.

Insurance companies currently focus on extending their – in the majority SAP-based – systems. The system landscapes of banks are often highly heterogeneous and therefore ask for fusions and integrations.

For each of these three core business areas, Anadeo offers explicit, long term experience: Over 100 successful implementation and specification projects in national and international Asset Management are the best possible guarantee for our clients, that we truly understand and meet their goals.

Anadeo Info-Flyer (PDF) – in German

Case Studies

In order to get an even more concrete idea of our work, we document selected projects in short case studies. The current references can be found in the following list.