Every Anadeo consultant would have deserved to be presented here – but now there are so many that it would go beyond the scope of this show. Despite this continuous growth also in the personnel area, the high personal commitment of the managing directors at Anadeo Consulting is a decisive constant: Here every project is given top priority.
Two of the company’s founders and now three managing directors are, pars pro toto, responsible for the Anadeo principle of networked, highly specialized competences. All have played a key role in the development of software solutions that define the market standard – SimCorp Dimension and SAP R / 3 Treasury. And all of them also provide specific industry knowledge, in-depth specialist knowledge and comprehensive project experience.
Get to know them better:
Dottore in Economia e Commercio Giovanni Marchi (Marketing and Distribution)
Dipl.-Kaufmann Stefan Scheible (Human Resources Development)
Dipl.-Kaufmann Renato Strah (Product Design and Services)
(f.l.t.r. Giovanni Marchi, Renato Strah, Stefan Scheible)
born in Milan, which is not the only “international experience” of the Dottore in econimica e commercio: As a Senior project manager at Bearing point he managed projects in Switzerland and in his home country.
Born in Maribor in 1968, he can be considered one of the pioneers of specialist concepts in fund accounting. As Managing Director of Anadeo Consulting, Renato Strah brings this very special expertise to solutions for complex fund accounting modules, specialist concepts for the implementation of new financial instruments and the migration of existing applications.
born in 1977, was one of the first employees at Anadeo and along with the successful company growth he has proved to be Managing Director. His prior experience in the asset management business and his project activities for Anadeo in the investment company and custodian bank sector allow him to look back on many successfully finished projects.